Learning Objectives
- Update the company's managers on techniques they can utilize to effectively diagnose and identify the training and development needs of their team members.
- Managers' understanding that training program titles alone are not sufficient for the development of their subordinates.
- Changing the managers' mindset regarding the tools for developing their team members.
Learning Tools
- Real life work scenarios
- Group Exercises
- Self Assessment
- Infographics
Your Takeaways
- Targeted suggestions for the development of your executives.
- Providing essential information to the L&D departments.
- Active participation in the design of result-based training.
Duration: 4 hours
Learning Modules
- Introduction. Linking performance Management with training needs
- The difference between what the employees wants and what they really need
- How to ensure that the improvement of a skill / competence will be achieved through training?
- Techniques for diagnosing training needs
- How to link business need with training and development tools
- How to help the Learning and Development (L&D) department design results basedtraining initiatives
- Action Plan