Γενικά για το σεμινάριο:
Data-driven information tends to speak to people's intellect – while stories stir their imagination and reach their feelings. That's what makes stories such a powerful tool to engage and motivate.
This storytelling course will equip you with the skills and confidence to use the power of storytelling in your communications.
Understanding the dynamics of storytelling will help you deliver your business messages in a more compelling way. This will increase your influence and help you drive the business forward, whether you're a marketer talking about the brand, a manager getting buy-in from staff or a leader sharing your vision.
Το σεμινάριο Απευθύνεται:
This storytelling course is suitable for all those who have to present and communicate with passion and engage directly with peoples feelings.
Μεθοδολογία Σχεδιασμού και Υλοποίησης
Πριν την έναρξη του προγράμματος ειδικά ερωτηματολόγια ανάλυσης αναγκών αποστέλλονται σε όλους τους υποψήφιους συμμετέχοντες προκειμένου να γίνει η καταγραφή των εξής στοιχείων:
- Ακαδημαϊκό Υπόβαθρο
- Επαγγελματική Εμπειρία στην προηγούμενη καριέρα
- Tρέχουσα θέση στην Επιχείρηση
- Προσδοκίες που επιθυμείτε να καλύψει το σεμινάριο
- Άλλες παρατηρήσεις σχετικά με την υλοποίηση του Σεμιναρίου
Ενδεικτική Θεματολογία:
The course content may include many of the exercises listed below, and any additional material that the trainers feel is relevant to the delegates on the day.
Delegate Input
- Each participant has the opportunity to say what he or she would like to take away from the day. This allows us to adapt the programme to make sure we meet everyone’s needs, and to link the activities of the day back to the wants people expressed at the beginning.
Jumpstart Storytelling
- Without further ado, we jump straight into the first storytelling exercise, inviting the participants to share an experience of a professional highlight in their careers. Starting with a personal story chosen from their preparation this will help create a more emotionally expressive environment for the rest of the day.
Story Analysis
- We will then unpick the stories people have told in terms of structure and storytelling devices. This will not only raise people’s awareness of those, it will also make them appreciate that they are already natural storytellers!
Top and Tailing
- Having unpicked their stories they will now be set a business challenge. Can each delegate find a possible use for this story in a business context? We will create the setting and see the Lead in to the Story and the exit from the Story.
Whose Story Is It Anyway?
- This light-hearted exercise focuses not so much on the content of a story but on how it is delivered. In the form of a playfully competitive game, we explore how to take ownership of any story and make it your own in an authentic and engaging way.
Storytelling techniques
- The majority of the day will be spent introducing a variety of different storytelling techniques that have proven effective in business, and offering the participants the opportunity to apply those techniques to their own situations and challenges. The choice of technique will depend on the participants’ specific requirements. They may include the following:
- Who am I – Stories
- ‘Who am I’ stories are about drawing from one’s personal life experience to quickly give people a vivid sense of who you are and what you stand for, for example during a first meeting, in a way that people can see and feel immediately. They can also be used to give credibility to an issue by connecting it with one’s own experience.
Story in a Word
- This technique was originally developed with the United Nations as an attempt to bring the organisation’s charter and values to life. The values of any organisation can often be seen to be a bunch of well-intended but meaningless words that are easily forgotten. With this tool, any value, important word or idea can be made memorable and meaningful by connecting it with real stories.
Fact vs. Story
- In this exercise we look at making potentially dry material such as numbers or technical information more memorable and engaging, by using stories, metaphors and analogies.
Στόχοι Εκπαίδευσης-Σεμιναρίου:
Οι στόχοι του σεμιναρίου είναι οι συμμετέχοντες :
- To discover your own innate storytelling ability
- To de-mystify storytelling
- To bring facts and figures to life
- Storytelling techniques to create compelling examples
- To use story structure to make presentations dynamic
- To create buy-in using storytelling elements
- The opportunity to practice practice practice
- Weaving your story into a business presentation
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