Teams are probably the most common way of working nowadays. Whether they are virtual or collocated; large or small they are out there. Teams provide something that is larger than the combination of individuals. They allow each one of their members to use their strengths to the fullest while minimizing their weaknesses. The question in the modern organization is not how do I create a team, but rather how do I create a successful productive team, and furthermore how do I maintain such a team so it performs optimally for the duration of its existence. For managers, teams present a unique set of challenges, for creating a great team means more than creating a group of individuals that are centered on a goal. It means creating an experience. This training will provide managers with the knowledge and tools to create a team that realizes its vision to the fullest.
Like all DOOR training programs, “Leading a Winning Team” is a very interactive training program. The training is modular and provides you with the latest tools which will help you to perform your job with the utmost skill.
Experiencing effective team work and Recognizing the parameters of effective teams
Analyzing team membership
Addressing the team as an entity and not as a group of people
Analyzing a leader's position in a team
Exploring conflict management in teams
Team motivation
Training Objectives
At the end of this training you will be able to:
9.Building a team vision
Two Days
Program Schedule
Day One
Introduction & Welcome
Program Objectives
Personal Objectives
Leading Change
When Team Work Works
The Tower Of Babylon
Characteristics of Effective Teams
The Right Staff – Choosing Team Members
Who's in?
Belbin Team Roles
What is Engagement?
Waking People Up
How to Create Engagement
Personal Action Planning
Day Two
Welcome Back
Imagining My Team
See it as it happens
Leadership in a Team
Leading the team
The manager's dilemma
Managing Teams Through Conflict
Conflict in teams
Conflict Management Styles
Building Teams With Motivation
Motivating in teams
Motivating through understanding
Personal Action Planning