Διάρκεια: 12 ώρες

Στόχος: Εξοικείωση των συμμετεχόντων με τη μεθοδολογία Agile μέσω πρακτικών ασκήσεων και "πραγματικής" διαχείρισης έργων

Απευθύνεται: Σε στελέχη τμημάτων Product Management, Development (Front End / Back End / Developers) & Marketing.

Δυνατότητα συμμετοχής στελεχών από τμήματα Customer Success, Support, Yield Optimization κλπ.

Day 1: The 5 Agile values

  • They are first developed theoretically by the facilitator using real-life examples and sharing experience with the participants.
  • DOs and DONTs are given for each value
  • Typical behaviors of value respect and non-respect are given and examined using role-playing games

Day 2: The “real” project

  • Participants form teams of 5-6 people and they take a specific assignment. They are asked to build the Eiffel Tour construction following Agile methodologies.
  • The facilitator plays the customer role. Requirements are changing all the time and given to the teams in a vague format, so they must collaborate and understand.
  • A member of the team is asked to measure the progress and report to the facilitator (wearing now the hat of “management”), but he/she has to be careful: Even reporting needs to follow Agile principles!


  • Participants discuss how they can apply all these to their real job and identify parallel activities
  • Together with the facilitator, they decide next steps

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