How focused are you on your customers requirements?
What is the value of one customer to you?
How well are you doing in delivering service excellence?
Designed for anyone involved in delivering excellence in customer service. Our approach is to balance a strong process (DOOR Model of Service) with the mindset, skills and behaviours that produce outstanding results. Everything we do is participative and interactive. There will be work in pairs, small group work, role plays and exercises designed to stimulate, challenge and develop people's knowledge and skills.
Customer Centered
Building Rapport & Trust
Customer Needs & Expectations
Service Delivery
Continuous Improvement
Training Objectives
At the end of the Program you will be able to:
7.Continuously improve the service you provide.
Two Days
Program Schedule
Day One
Introduction & Welcome
Program Objectives
Personal Objectives
Service Excellence Model
Team Exercise
Customer Centered
Different Centres
Case Study
Service - Inside-Out
Team Exercise
Building Rapport & Trust
Trust Exercise
Four Pillars of Communication
High Trust Behaviours
Team Exercise
Personal Action Planning
Day Two
Customer Needs & Expectations
Success & Failure
First Impressions
Needs Analysis
Team Exercise
Service Delivery
Service Mapping
Building the Foundations
Managing Resistance
Team Exercise
Continuous Improvement
Customer Experience
Ultimate Question
Aspire, Achieve & Teach
Team Exercise
Personal Action Planning